This is a page that I will continue to POST information and SPECIAL Promotions on from week to week so that many will be able to come here to see what is happening with our small but efficient family business. Please understand that I, Bob Prince am an ECU ’76 graduate in Poli-Sci & US History who decided NOT to go bac to Law school after undergraduate education at age 26 but decided to endeavor into the entrepreneurial world of business as did my ex. spouse Jacki Lilley-Prince who is the mother of my only child Jessica Prince who is the mother of four handsome boys of which the older two Josh & John live with me full time for the past 4 years. So I am extremely busy doing more than most people realize as a single self-employed man at almost 66 yrs old 😉 not complaining just stating a fact of my life. I work full time here at home raising these two very smart & handsome boys who are very easy to deal with ad want to grow up here and be the best they can be, I hope you come back here often as I am starting y own BLOG on URL as soon as I can spend some free time there. Have a GREAT DAY 😉 bp

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